Some of our brands...
Pasta In addition to an excellent natural source of energy, pasta is one of the oldest foods, versatile, and popular throughout the world. Made exclusively from durum wheat semolina and water, pastas are nutritious, natural is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates like pasta provide glucose, the crucial fuel for your brain and muscles. Discover here all varieties of pasta sold by Eurofoods from the long cut to the smallest you will find the right format for every occasion.
Aletria Cappelini,Conchas, Cotovelinhos, Cotovelos F,
Cotovelos G, Cotovelos GR, Cuscus , Esparguete,
Espirais Fusilli, Espirais Tricolori, Estrelinha, Letras
Lettere, Macarrao GE, Macarrao , Macarronete, Meada, Ondas, Pevide
Risonni, Talharim ect...
Aletria - Cappellini, Cotovelinhos, Cotovelos,Esparguete,Espirais
Estrelinha, Macarrao Grande, Macarronete, Meada, Pevide Pontinha